Pediatric Hypnosis
>> Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Children often are marvelous subjects for hypnosis. Once they have developed to the level where they have an adequate attention span they tend to be easily hypnotizable. This may be due to the fact that much of early childhood is spent in hypnosis.
Why would a child need or be benefited by hypnosis? Like the famous answer to the question, "How do I love thee?" – let me count the ways!Hypnosis & Autism • Creating positive expectations • Sports enhancement for children •
Working with parents • How to stop bed wetting • Helping the child to enjoy life •
Discovering what ADD is and is not • Pain control for children •
Helping a child survive a divorce • Working with hyperactive children •
Eliminating the statement, “I don’t know.” •
Overcoming test anxieties •
Current approach to ADD/ADHD and Autism • Working with child’s sleeping habits •
Improving conduct at home and school • Stopping the habit of lying •

Young children are not usually aware of the complexities of the mind, or of its fantastic array of powers. They do not comprehend that, "what the mind can conceive, the body can achieve." They do not understand the dramatic capabilities of visualization. Yet they have the child's natural talent for dreaming-for picturing achievements of childhood ambitions in their minds. It is this characteristic that the hypnotist can use to surmount the afflicting problems and free children from bonds which restrict them from achieving their potentials.
We can work together to help your child succeed, to give them the most opportunity's life has to offer.