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>> Sunday, August 22, 2010

This class runs for three consecutive weeks on Tuesday September 21, 28th, and October 5th, from 5:00pm until 7:00 pm. The fee is $55.00 per class you need to come to all three to receive the full benefit of the program

Self-hypnosis is a great way to benefit from the practice of hypnosis. However if you have ever tried to learn it from a book you know how that can be frustrating.

The best way to learn self-hypnosis is from a live hypnotist who can provide you the instruction that you need, answer questions and make sure that you are indeed reaching a useful level of hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis can be used for just about every kind of self-improvement as well as reducing or eliminating physical symptoms of medical problems. For example, many people have freed themselves from chronic pain, or bad habits just by learning and practicing some form of self-hypnosis.

The 7th Path Self-hypnosis System
The 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® System is a holistic, Mind-Body-Spirit approach to self-hypnosis for self-improvement. Learn self-hypnosis through individual private session, classes or CDs. 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® System is effective for stress management, motivation, self-esteem, habits, relationship problems and more.


"Bariatric Surgery For The Mind"

>> Thursday, August 19, 2010

There are four main groups that we are interested in reaching;

1. The Pre-Surgical Client

2.The newly Post-Surgical Client

3.The Failing Post-Surgical Client

4. The Non-Qualifying Client (the client without any pre-existing conditions ie: high blood pressure,diabetes,etc.)

Call to set up a consultation on the phone 631-838-5085
We provide the System and Support you need to Succeed


"A Goal Without a Plan, Is Just a Daydream"

The following programs are available for group settings or individule sessions:

Goal Setting-
There are many types of statements of intention; the most well known are goals and objectives.
Goals are general statements of intent. Goals tell us what we want to achieve, or how we want to change, or what we generally want to look, be, and/or act like at some future time.
Objectives differ from goals with respect to their specificity; objectives being more specific than goals. Objectives may also be veiwed as statements of intention which, when carried out, will enable the goals to be achieved.



>> Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This class will teach you how to become a hypnotist, How to induce hypnosis and the benifits of letting go-getting beyond our analytical minds in order to focus on meaningful and beneficial suggestions which create an arena for receptivity.

We will discuss a list of all of the situations where Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis can be helpful
ie: smoking, weight, fears, sports motivation etc.
We will also Discuss susceptibility-Who can be hypnotized and who can not.
You will learn about Suggestion Management- The importance of understanding and creating suggestions that are helpful.
You will recieve the Support and the Skills you need to be successful.
If you are Interested in working full or part time you can earn a high income, you can go into private practice, teaching, corporate. The opportunities are endless.
This program builds on the skills and confidence you will need to be in practice.
This course is right for you if, You are interested in helping other and your own personal growth.
The course will run for eight weeks Tuesday evenings and Thursday evenings from 3:00pm until 9:00pm From September 28th until November 21st

In Eight short weeks you can have a new profession!

Call For More Information 631-838-5085


Training Course

>> Sunday, August 8, 2010

As you all are aware, I am in Massachusetts, taking a trainers course in hypnosis so that I will have the ability to train my students and certify them through the National Guild of Hypnotists. This is a very intense course as the NGH  wants to make sure that each trainer knows his or her stuff. I feel tremendously Blessed to have this opportunity to be with such a group. There are people from all over the world Switzerland, England, Australia, China, Sweden, and more. Truly I know this is all a part of my life plan, even though I did not realize it would come at this time in my life but with that said I just want to say, Thank You Steve for enabling me to achieve my goals. You are My Light! You are My Love! You Illuminate my path so that I may see. Thank you for your Guidance, Love and Compassion. I Love You,  Mary


NGH, Train the Trainer

>> Sunday, August 1, 2010

I am so excited I am taking this course next week from 8/8/10 until 8/13/10. Keep posted I will be starting classes on becoming a hypnotist the begining of September!


HYPNOSIS- A Tool for Success

As you think so shall you become... Reinvent yourself through Hypnosis

People may think hypnosis is mind control or some sort of brainwashing; there are many misconceptions about the practice. You may have seen on the TV or on the stage, people being put in trances and instructed to do things they usually wouldn’t do, the reality to that is you are in a festive environment and a willing participant to whatever the hypnotist suggests. As long as it goes along with your morality. If she told you to rob a bank you simply would not do it. Hypnosis is without a doubt the most powerful tool we have to access our subconscious mind and make positive lasting change. Hypnosis can give you a different perspective on events that have happened in your life, with a different perspective you may have different feelings and emotions associated with those events in your past. Hypnosis can cause you to feel more inspired and driven and you will feel self-confident enough to apply for a job you have always dreamt of. Hypnosis can give you the motivation and enthusiasm to make changes in your life and determination for success.


Choose the Path

Choose the Path

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