The Healing Power of Your Higher Self
>> Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hi Group,
I wanted to do something different this Thursday evening. I want to explain how a persons Higher Self or Inner Self, or Soul, there are many name that different cultures may use and their description may be slightly different from one culture to the next, but we all seem to agree that this part of you, your Soul is your direct connection to your Divine Source. Connecting to your Higher Self is not hard, if you have nothing blocking your energy. Sometimes we have different energy blocks that come between use and achieving our dreams and goals. Sometimes we may even have spirits attach to use that may drain us of our energy, we usually are unaware of how easy this is to occur. The Higher Self plays an essential part of your healing process, bringing Love and Light to all areas of your being creating healing and rejuvenation. So with all of this said I hope to see all of you on Thursday.
Love & Light
I wanted to do something different this Thursday evening. I want to explain how a persons Higher Self or Inner Self, or Soul, there are many name that different cultures may use and their description may be slightly different from one culture to the next, but we all seem to agree that this part of you, your Soul is your direct connection to your Divine Source. Connecting to your Higher Self is not hard, if you have nothing blocking your energy. Sometimes we have different energy blocks that come between use and achieving our dreams and goals. Sometimes we may even have spirits attach to use that may drain us of our energy, we usually are unaware of how easy this is to occur. The Higher Self plays an essential part of your healing process, bringing Love and Light to all areas of your being creating healing and rejuvenation. So with all of this said I hope to see all of you on Thursday.
Love & Light